20 September 2011


Before we begin, let me cast your mind back to February of this miserable year. Yes, it was that abomination known as Christopher Kane A/W '11. I shan't spent much more time discussing this, but suffice to say my heart was well and truly broken. Incomprehensible! HOWEVER;

Wow? Genuinely gobsmacked. Mr Kane, all your past sins are forgiven. The last time I was this stunned was when I browsed the final McQueen collection by the man himself. Now, I won't get too carried away here, this collection wasn't ground-breaking, there was few original concepts here. But for Christopher Kane, this is prodigious. His most beauteous collection to date, he explored 70's wallpaper prints, divine pastel silks (are you noting this upcoming trend also..?) and sharply tailored shirts. I have no doubt this is going to sky rocket Kane back to his reigning position, where he firmly belong. Although those pool shoes are horrendous.


Rebecca said...

...i liked a/w 11!

frankie. said...

honestly?! it made me weep :(