6 October 2011

bête noire - (plural; bêtes noires)

  1. An anathema; someone or something which is particularly disliked or avoided; an object of aversion, the bane of one’s existence.

I've been feeling for a while now that my old blog name and concept was becoming tired, and I found it really difficult to picture any progression. So I opted for reinvention! It took a whole lot of researching & messing about a bit with a domain finder to try and create something with a little originality. It's not cutting edge or a new concept but it's not been used before, right? I liked the idea of la bete noire because it seems a little more badass, a little more in-line with the whole critique formula of this here blog. I hope you appreciate my dedication to this overhaul. Whilst searching 'la bete noire' in Google images, I faced a whole lot of Bryan Ferry album covers and filthy interracial porn because literally translated to English, it means 'the black monster'...yeah, exactly. Dedicated.

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