26 September 2015

Jenny Packham.

 Jenny Packham supplied me with the little bit of sophisticated grandeur I had been desperately seeking as I browsed all the NYFW shows. I always find NY a little bit tedious for some reason, perhaps it's because it's all very RTW and I'm an avant-garde loving couture fiend.

Either way, Jenny Packham silently impressed me. Inspired by 17th century Paris salons "where strong-minded women met to discuss arts and culture", and this was evident between the layers of ethereal powder blue tulle and finespun silk. That incredible ruby slipper-esque strapless dress is a red carpet number for sure. The coats & sweaters were a nice touch and exquisitely tailored. I can see what Kate Middleton sees in Ms Packham.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

With Jenny Packham I always actively try not to like her stuff, because I associate her with super feminine and girly, and I'd like to think that I'm not quite that twee. But she manages, every single time, without fail, to reel me back in with the promise of sequins and silks and flattering cuts in delicate fabrics. Damn her. (Also in this category of super-girly-but-I-can't-resist, see: Taylor Swift)