there's just something about the air when it's almost Christmas, everyone seems so jovial and generally in good spirits. i resent people who moan about how busy the shops are, i think there's nothing more uplifting than walking down Buchanan St on December 24th! i love the last minute panic buying and having rosy red cheeks from the cold, sipping gingerbread lattes, having my arms hurt from all the bags, hearing christmas songs by the buskers in the street. it's all so romantic!
the only part i have trouble with really, is coming up with gift ideas. i am utterly stumped. i mean, i like to make the effort of picking something i know my friends and family will like, but that doesn't make it any easier. so this year, i am planning ahead a bit more than usual.
with that said, my parents are pretty predictable. my mum doesn't have cheap tastes, unfortunately for my bank balance, but it's safe to say some delicious jo malone candles and a bottle of the trusty Lanvin will go down well. my dad, well he's just not fussed about gifts really, maybe because he expects the same old rubbish? i've decided on an Alexander McQueen skull tie and a bottle of his favourite vintage whisky. the tie was an absolute steal! the whisky, not so much..
but then there's my two sisters, one being 16 and one being 9. i mean, two most awkward ages to buy for or what? the 16 year old likes all things pink, shiny and fake tan coloured and the little one, well, Hannah Montana. last year i took the easy route and just bought them exactly those things but this year i wanted to look around a bit more.
for my oldest little sister (ha!) i think i'm going for a lil' Marc by Marc Jacobs cosmetics bag which is pretty damn cute, and a Mac Lipglass set. not too bad so far! for the littlest one, who's interest in fashion is slowly blossoming thanks to me giving her all my old Grazia's (with the bad stuff pulled out, naturally), a cute lil' pair of Converse and the sweetest little Jot doll from Panache Kids. i refuuuuuse to put anymore of my money into Miley Cyrus' pocket 'cause she sucks and is a lame ass role model.
as for my boyfriend, well, i've not got so far yet. i have some ideas for sure, in fact they take up a whole folder in my bookmarks. but i'm about 99% sure he could find this and have a sneaky peek, which would totally ruin the element of surprise so i'm afraid i'm keeping this one secret :).
man, you are generous! i just spent like £120 on amazon, so basically everyone is getting dvds x
aye, generous, but skint ;) i think i prefer your theory tbh!
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