31 May 2009
curve pericolose.
29 May 2009
mujeres al delimita di uno ataque di nervios.

okay, so uni is over for oh, about four months until october, and my exams are all done and dusted, eventually. so i really have no reason to be talking about this film outside uni, other than i actually enjoyed it, unexpectedly. pedro almodóvar is a cinematic genius, and my class had such a laugh studying 'las mujeres'. it's typical 80's cheese in that it's all power suits and chasing after boys, but i loved it! and a young antonio banderas makes it all the more pleasurable to watch. anyway, i did have a reason for bringing up 80's powersuits...
ahh, margiela. i'm not too sure how i feel about this whole 80's shoulder pad phenom making a come back everywhere, even in primark, no less, but i know it's nothing positive. however, there's nothing i wouldn't do for a bit of margiela shoulder action in the form of a sharply tailored blazer. i hate to bring out the whole 'investment' spiel, as Queen Michelle discussed, but honestly believe it would be something i could keep and treasure forever. maybe one day, a la carine:
let's just hope that topshop or worse, river island, get on board before i get the chance to buy a little margiela for myself! which brings me nicely to my next point. okay, so i'm all for people spending extra for quality and originality instead of buying products which are made en masse via topshop, as much as i love topshop. but, a little part of me got vv. excited when i saw topshop has so obviously ripped off THAT alexander wang dress.
it's not even subtley done, it's a straight up imitation of the 'dress that won't go away', as dubbed by Fashionista.
and as ashamed as i am to admit it, i bought it. we'll see how it goes, and whether the guilt kicks in.
27 May 2009
curiouser and curiouser.

'I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!'
last exam tomorrow, can't wait for it all to be over :)
26 May 2009
i innocents santi.
i've come to the conclusion, after spending too many hours studying spanish literature and film for thursday's exam, that the french make the best films, even though 'The Holy Innocents' was written by a scottish man and produced by an italian. i ended up watching it to restore my faith in film in general and was ultimately sidetracked, but i could watch it over and over for hours and it sure as hell beats the ass off 'La Lengua de Mariposas'. sure, i'm not disregarding that it's not a significant piece of cinema, it just doesn't stimulate my lazy brain cells.
anyway, i've just become a polyvore addict, so if money was of no limit, this is what i would wear today, ahaha.
21 May 2009
ti amo, ma io sono stati indigente.

so, thankfully, that's two exams down, two to go. spanish language was so much better than i thought it would be, i even finished before time was up, mainly because it's impossible for me to stay still for three hours straight. but i shan't bore with details! next up is retail management, which sounds incredibly dull but i promise it's really quite compelling. i was browsing through some past papers, and i found the best question ever. i'd be in my glory if this came up:
'A colleague of yours is about to open a ladies high fashion clothing retail unit. You have been asked to provide advice as to how the issue of store design can be utilised to create a more effective shopping environment. Detail your recommendations.'
anyhow, enough of the boring stuff. after i finally got home, i found myself checking through my blog lovin' updates. i could honestly spend hours browsing through lookbook and hel looks, and in fact i did.
i love these pants, i have been looking everywhere trying to find a beautiful pair of tailored harem pants but so far, nothing. i did spy an alluring pair of ivory silk harems in Reiss, but i'm not sure they'd stay ivory for long, seeing as i have an aptitude of ruining things in the wash, ahem. and also, i think harem pants for men are totally underrated, i'd love to see a guy in a pair of tailored black harem pants.
i like these Wunder pants, but i prefer his little denim jacket. for a while now, i've been trawling ebay in search of the perfect shrunken denim jacket, but alas it is not to be. i know H&M sell something along those lines, but i'd like it to look at least a little weathered. the search continues...
and to finish, it wouldn't be the same without the obligatory 'swoooon' post, with these amazing ann demeulemeester lace-up boots. i think i prefer these to the knee high ones, simply for the reason that it would probably take me an hour to lace up even these.
20 May 2009
troppi esami.
it's my Spanish Language exams tomorrow, which i'm feeling quietly optimistic about. that is, despite the fact i've barely committed myself to it at all this year. and then there's Retail Management on Friday which i KNOW will go well, i really love it :). it's all about store aesthetics and such, so it won't be too tedious. and after that, only one more, Spanish Lit on thursday.
&& then summer it shall be! i've so many things planned for the summer in my head, so i'm hoping that at least someone will hire me soon!
anyways, i'm totally obsessed with eliza cummings' shots! she looks so plain but in editorials she looks amazing. channelling a little brody here:
i think she was on the cover of i-D too, a few months back. she's totally the new freja/irina. and i take back what i said about that Preen dress a few posts ago, i saw it on the ginger from Girls Aloud and was most unimpressed. irritated, i decided to find something else to set my goals on.
Balmain skirt, net-a-porter
jil sander shoes, net-a-porter
oh woops, how did that get there?
but yeah, if you fancy buying me those jil sander platforms, i'm down with that.