21 February 2009

il nero lucido.

so, tomorrow's my first saturday off in such a long time, and i plan to make the most of that, despite the circumstances! i (finally) get paid this week, just in time for TITP, but besides that i'll be more than happy to indulge in a little retail therapy:

Preen Spring/Summer '09, source: net-a-porter.

okay, well perhaps not, but i have been uhming and ahhing over this masterpiece for a few months now, all the while 'forgetting' to save for it. maybe some generous benefactor will stumble upon my blog and donate it to me on april 28th. or (more likely) maybe i'll just have to get another job!

i'll just ask for one thing though, come my birthday. to bring a little happiness, because so far i've worn my black coat three times in two months, and i'd quite like to retire it to the back of my wardrobe for a lengthy period of time. oh and also 'cause my dad looks like the phantom of the opera in his. seriously though, quit with the gloom. i'd love it if a lil' joy could come our way :).

19 February 2009


so i guess the header was made for something else, but i forgot what it was for. anyway, it's pretty, even if i do say so myself. and anyway, my trusty desktop has packed in, so no more photoshop, but such is life! despite the flurry of nyfw, my week's been pretty dull, to say the least. still, at least i've had plenty to paw over, see below...

i can't even begin to put into words how amazingly beautiful the whole rodarte show was, i'd love to know the thought processes behind such an ethereal collection. alexander wang was just alright, hella lots of cutouts, nothing greatly original, however. i guess i should just bide my time until it's time for paris fw and stop being disappointed with everything.
i also got myself a little job with My Vintage Charms, a kitschy website selling sweet little charms, pendants, beads...you name it. i wish i could buy it all :)
however, in the mean time, i'm back to the job hunting, so wish me luck.
Alexander Wang, Rodarte Fall'09, source: (tFs)